May 8th: Mother’s Day.
May 15th – 18th ,Sunday all day; M-W @ 7:00 p.m., nightly: Faith Baptist Church Bible Conference with Dr. Michael McClary, www.gsamministries.com
June 19th : Father’s Day, Homecoming &Family Vacation Bible School starting Sunday morning with Tim/Susan Vermass
June 19th –23rd Sunday all day; M-R @ 6:45 pm nightly: Family Vacation Bible School starting Sunday morning with Tim/Susan Vermass
August 21st – 25th(Sunday through Thursday): Jubilee is Coming! Tuesday and Wednesday Morning Special (9:30 a.m.), with Dr. Michael McClary (Good Samaritan Ministries, Richmond, VA), Dr. Bob Hamblen, Don and Kim Case, Old Time Gospel Music; Mark your calendar!!
October 16 th --17th, Two-Day Crucifixion Rally Revival with David Wood Ministries, www.dwministries.org
October 23rd—26th Sunday all day, M-W @ 7:00pm: Missions Conference with Pastor Mike McClary, Spencer Smith, www.justifytheheathen.com and more.
November , Dr. Jack Meeks, Worldwide Radio will be here; date to follow.
December 21st , 7:00 p.m.: Special Christmas Service.
December 28th, 7:00 p.m.: Special New Year’s Service
January 11th, 1:00 p.m.: Baby shower for Lydia Hinson.
January 18th, 6:00 p.m.: Victor Haymon preaching.
January 25th, 6:00 p.m.: Jay Daniels, Songs of the Faith.
March 6th, 3:00 p.m.: Visitation.
March 7th, 9 a.m.: Visitation.
March 8th, all day: Bruce Miller preaching and singing group.
March 15th, 11:00 a.m.: John and Wendy Colvin singing.
March 22th, 11:00 a.m.: Steve Minter singing.
March 29th , all day: Steve Ludwig, Rock of Ages Prison Ministry, Sunday School, Junior Church and evening Preaching.
April 5th, 11:00 a.m.: Special Easter Service And Youth Day.
April 12th, 11:00 a.m.: Spencer Smith, Missionary to Kenya, preaching.
April 26th: Pastor Raye – Kickoff to Faith Baptist Church Bible Conference.
April 26th – 30th , 7:00 p.m., nightly: Faith Baptist Church Bible Conference with Dr. Michael McClary and Dr. Glen Spencer, Jr.
May 10th: Mother’s Day.
May 17th: Children Dedication Day.
May 31st – June 4th: Family Vacation Bible School starting Sunday morning with Tim/Susan Vermass
July 26th, all day: Timothy Holtsclaw and family singing and preaching.
August 23rd – 27th(Sunday through Thursday): Jubilee is Coming! Tuesday and Wednesday Morning Special (9:30 a.m.), with Dr. Michael McClary (Good Samaritan Ministries, Richmond, VA), Dr. Bob Hamblen, Don and Kim Case, Old Time Gospel Music; Brother Jerry Harris and family singing, the Lindsey Brothers, Brian McBride, and more. More details to follow. Mark your calendar!!
September 11th – 13th: God Bless America Crusade with Byron Foxx (see GodBlessAmericaCrusade.com for details).
October 11th, Missionary Spencer Smith, Kenya reporting.
October 18th, Missionary Chad Branch, South Africa, will be presenting.
November 8th, Dr. Jack Meeks, Worldwide Radio will be in the evening service.
November 22nd, Grace Giving with Dr. Bruce Miller, Atlantic Coast Baptist College
December 23rd, 7:00 p.m.: Special Christmas Service.
December 30th, 7:00 p.m.: Special New Year’s Service
February 9th at 10:00 a.m. - Testimony of a member of Hells Angels v. His praying Mother: a watershed testimony that will change your life
February 9th at 10:00 a.m. & 11 a.m. - Jay Daniels "Songs of the Faith"
February 13th at 6:00 p.m. (Thursday)- Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University: special preview session; FOR MORE IMFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: E. Howard Booker, Class Coordinator 434-760-5572
February 19th and 23rd: Evangelist Thaddeus Kuntz and family will minister both in word and song
February 27th at 6:00 p.m. (Thursday) - First class begins of the Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University: Don't miss the FPU!!
March 2nd-Steve/Brenda Minter music at 11:00 a.m.
March 9th through March 12th (Sunday through Wednesday) - Revival with Timothy Holtsclaw preaching and family singing. Sunday at regular times, Monday - Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.
March 16th/Evening Service- International Partnership Ministries,Inc., with Dr. Bill Bowen and Pastor Philip Warutere, National Missionary to Kenya, Africa
March 23rd (a.m. services) - special guests, the Colvins, singing pure Gospel!
April 13th–Baptism Service at 1:00 p.m.
April 20th-Steve/Brenda Minter music at 11:00 a.m. Special Easter Service for the entire family/friends.
May 18th-22nd(Sunday through Wednesday) –Vacation Bible School/Family Revival with Tim-Susan Vermass
June 8th-Sunday, Homecoming with Vertical Praise gospel music beginning @ 11:00 a.m.; covered dish dinner @ Noon
July 13th (Sunday - all day) - Bearing Precious Seed Ministry with The Sextons (Jerry-Kim) (singing, preaching)
August 24th - 28th (Sunday through Thursday) - Jubilee is Coming! Tuesday Morning Special (at 9:30 a.m.) with Dr. Michael D. McClary (Good Samaritan Ministries, Richmond, VA) and Pastor Cameron Giovanelli (Calvary Baptist Church, Dundalk, Maryland); Dr. Bob Hamblen, Don and Kim Case, Old Time Gospel Music, Brother Jerry Harris & family singing, and more. More details to follow. Mark your calendar!!
September 24th - & 28th (Wednesday & Sunday) - Wyatt Family (Jerry, Rachel, Sarah and Tim) - missionaries to Tanzania: Curtis Family (Eric, Jessica and children) - missionaries to Ukraine
October 5th - Austin, Kyle and Amanda - missionaries to colleges
October 12th - Special 2:00 p.m. service at Africa Lighthouse Baptist Temple to celebrate God's goodness and blessings in the building program
October 19th - Pastor Michael D. McClary - Grace Giving Sunday
October 26th - Schenk, Rick, Julia, Sarah, and Chris - missionaries to Mexico's orphans - Grace Giving Sunday
November 2nd - Pastor Bruce Miller of Atlantic Coast Baptist College - Grace Giving Sunday
November 9th @ 6:00 p.m. service - Dr. Jack Meeks, Worldwide Radio plus Guest Singers, John & Wendy Colvin singing Old Hymns of the Faith.
November 16th - Steve Ludwig family, Rock of Ages, prison ministry
Special Thanksgiving Service: Tuesday, November 25th @ 7:00 p.m.
Special Christmas Service: Tuesday December 23rd @ 7:00 p.m.
February 10th (AM Service) - Pastor Bob Kyner with the Good Samaritan Bible Institute (Pastor Michael D. McClary)
February 17th - Jay Daniels, Songs of the Faith singing/playing in the 6:00 p.m. service
March 3rd - Jerry Harris (Bob Hamblen's son-in-law) - Well of Grace Ministries
March 10th - 13th - Spring Revival with Timothy Holtsclaw
March 24th - Vertical Praise sings in the AM service
March 31st - Special Easter Services; Jay Daniels, Songs of the Faith, singing/playing in the 6:00 p.m. service
April 14th - special Africa Mission of Grace service at Africa Lighthouse Baptist Temple (Pastor Peter Chege); (meets at Green Brier Elementary School): Dinner at 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. joint service. Music with Jay Daniels, Songs of the Faith
April 14th - 18th (Sunday p.m. through Thursday) - First Annual Bible Conference with Dr. Michael McClary, Pastor and Dr. Glen Spencer, Jr., Pastor. Both Pastors will be here every night bringing us great expository preaching. God will bless!
April - every Sunday p.m. service - Songs of the Faith with Jay Daniels. Yes, every Sunday!
May 12th - Mother's Day: Music with Don and Kim Case, Old Time Gospel Music
May 26th - Music with Jay Daniels, songs of the Faith, in the pm service
June 8th - Saturday, 12 Noon until 2 p.m. - Community Day with food, games, fellowship and the Gospel, of course!
June 9th-Sunday, Homecoming with Vertical Praise gospel music beginning @ 10:30 a.m.; covered dish dinner @ Noon
June 23rd-Steve/Brenda Minter music at 11:00 a.m.
July14th-Music with Jay Daniels, Songs of the Faith, in the 6 p.m. service
July 21st-Gospel music/preaching with Atlantic Coast Baptist College @ 6:00 p.m.: Ladies group/Dr. Bruce Miller
August 18th - August 23rd - Revial with Dr. Bob Hamblen; Music with Don and Kim Case, Old Time Gospel Music; Youth Revival with Pastor Jerry Harris
September 18th (Wednesday p.m.) - Dr. Michael E. Todd, Word for the World Evangelist
October 20th (Sunday) through October 24th (Thursday)-Expository Bible/Missions Conference at its best with Pastor Mike McClary and Pastor Glen Spencer, Jr. If you love expository preaching, you will not want to miss a single service. Bring your notebook to take down the blessings the Lord dishes out to you!
October 27th (Sunday - all day) - Bearing Precious Seed Ministry with The Sextons (singing, preaching)
November 3rd (6 p.m. service) - Dr. Jack and Lottie Meeks, Bread of Life Mission, World Radio Broadcasts
July 2nd - 6th, 2012 - Vacation Bible School
2 saved at Faith and 3 saved at Lighthouse Baptist Temple! Faith averaged 10 children and, yes, 10 adults every night. Lighthouse averaged 8 children and 6 adults. God is so good!
(July 25 - 29, 2011)
Matthew 19:14 -- Jesus said, "Suffer little children,
and forbid them not to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Date Saved Children Adults Total
25th 7 10 12 22
26th 5 14 9 23
27th 3 17 10 27
28th 7 19 10 29
29th 1 16 14 30
Several parents and grandparents attended the hot dog cookout on Friday at 5:30 p.m. with their children.
Peter and Catherine's Africa Lighthouse Baptist Temple held their VBS at the Greenbrier Elementary School. They had an average attendance of 15-20. Two African moms and ten children were saved during the week.
A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED DURING THE WEEK! -- inviting children, bringing refreshments, driving the bus, serving refreshments, having the teens over to your house, providing food for the teens at the church, cleaning up each night, housing the teens and praying for salvations. Pastor Raye and the teens made clear each evening the way of salvation and the Holy Spirit worked in the hearts of those who were ready! PRAISE THE LORD!